In an emergency
We are ready to help in a crisis.
When The Royal Countryside Fund was established in 2010, our Patron, HM King Charles III identified a crucial role for us in responding to countryside crises. Whether this is an outbreak of animal disease, a pandemic or an extreme weather event, we have an Emergency Fund which is ready and available when the need arises.
“I, like all of you, remember only too well the horrors of Foot and Mouth in 2001 and then again in 2007. While I hope and pray we never see the like again, my Fund wants to be prepared for that or any other emergency.”
HM King Charles III while he was The Prince of Wales at the launch of his Countryside Fund, 2010
Working in partnership
Farming Help
We ensure our financial assistance gets to the people who need it quickly by working with organisations on the ground, such as the Farming Help charities.
National Emergencies Trust
The RCF is proud to be a rural partner of the National Emergencies Trust.
The RCF also works closely with the Business Emergency Resilience Group (BERG), created by HM King Charles III while he was The Prince of Wales to help businesses and communities across the UK to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

Farming Help
Information about support for individuals and farm businesses in an emergency.

Emergency Fund
Information on the RCF’s grant programme to support rural community organisations and charities in an emergency.