FRP Alumni visit Gwavas Jersey Farm
April 5, 2019
Edward Richardson, the coordinator for the year two Penzance group of The Prince’s Farm Resilience Programme, organized for their final workshop to take place at Gwavas Jersey Farm, owned by one of the group members Will Bowman.
Thirteen members of the group took a farm tour and discussed a number of topics, from growing grass, seed mixes and fertilizer use, grazing, making silage, and rationing of beef and dairy. The tour was led by Matt Rance from Crediton Milling Company, and Ryan Came-Johnson, an agronomist from Hutchinsons, who also farms his own sheep.
Edward told us: “As this farm is right on the coast, the problems of establishing grass leys or finding the correct grass mix to cope in a salt tolerant atmosphere was discussed in detail. The farm walk was a great opportunity for members of the Penzance group to discuss what they’ve learned throughout The Prince’s Farm Resilience Programme with real life examples.
“One of the farmers said to me, “I’ve come today because this is a farm just like mine, small, right on the coast and milking cows – it’s no good going to 500 cow herd because it just doesn’t apply to me.”
“Although this is the last meeting for this group, we hope to link up the members with other Cornish and south west groups, and to use those new connections for a FarmCornwall Women’s group, other training events and farm walks.
“What amazes me with all three groups of The Prince’s Farm Resilience Programme that FarmCornwall have been involved in is how quickly the barriers come down and farmers open up.”
Gwavas is an all grass farm milking 80 jersey cows and supplying to Rodda’s, who also rear their own youngstock and some store cattle.